Minggu, 30 November 2014

now on

lagi sibuk-sibuknya nih, sebenernya capek, jenuh, kuliah gini terus. sabtu minggu juga kuliah, pagi sampe malem pula:) kurang amsyong apalagi:) mau ngeluh terus rasanya, gatau mau cerita sama siapa lagi, capekkkk bgt. pengen nangis kadang kalo gini terus, gaada tempat nyandar lagi. hhh. ga itu sih masalahnya. tapi benci... benci sama sistem yang ada. gini bngtt. sok ngaturlah, who do you think you are? 
makan makin ga nentu, ga teratur, ga jelas makan apa, tidur sih tidur, tapi ga enak, banyak beban. gila lama- lama, seriusan, ga benci sama kuliahnya, cuman gasuka sm sistemnya, apa apa dipersulit, kalo mau deket ya deket aja plis, ga perlu gitu juga. hhh drastis bgt berubah semuanya, duluu aja, pergi pagi pulang malem buat have fun, seru seruan, skrg yg ada keaniaya, capek lahir bathin tuhan... udah makin jauh juga.. sering sakit- sakit saking ga keurusnya minum, makan juga. kadang pengen nyerah, tapi kebayang kedepannya gimana, mikir ulang lagi. hhh temen-temen sih ada yang ngerasa gini juga, tapi, rasanya sendirian bangettt. no one to hold. It's hard to believe that there's nobody out there It's hard to believe that I'm all alone

   I'd like to make myself believe that planet Earth turns slowly

Rabu, 03 September 2014

boleh kangen?


demi apa ya. hari ini unpredictable bangettt. mood keaduk-aduk. rasanya ya.. ada seneng ada shockednya, mungkin banyak shockednya kali ya.. feeling cewek gapernah salah. 

Kamis, 13 Maret 2014


Now your nightmare comes to life.

Dragged you down below
Down to the devils show
To be his guest forever
Peace of mind is less than never

Hate to twist your mind
But God ain't on your side
An old acquaintance severed
Burn the world your last endeavor

Flesh is burning
You can smell it in the air
Cause men like you have such an easy soul to steal (steal)

So stand in line while they ink numbers in your head
You're now a slave until the end of time here

Nothing stops the madness turning, haunting, yearning pull the trigger

You should have known
The price of evil
And it hurts to know that you belong here
It's your fucking nightmare
While your nightmare comes to life

Can't wake up in sweat
Cause it ain't over yet
Still dancing with your demons
Victim of your own creation

Beyond the will to fight
Where all that's wrong is right
Where hate don't need a reason
Loathing self-assassination

You've been lied to
Just to rape you of your sight
And now they have the nerve to tell you how to feel (feel)

So sedated as they medicate your brain
And while you slowly go insane they tell ya
"Given with the best intentions, help you with your complications"

You should have known
The price of evil
And it hurts to know that you belong here
No one to call
Everybody to fear
Your tragic fate
Is looking so clear
It's your fucking nightmare